
What are withdrawal times (periods) for meat and milk, and where can they be found?

Withdrawal periods reflect the amount of time necessary for an animal to metabolize an administered product and the amount of time necessary for the product concentration level in the tissues to decrease to a safe, acceptable level. Every federally approved drug or animal health product has a withdrawal period printed on the product label or package insert. Products carry meat withdrawal periods ranging from 0 to 60 days. Examples for meat range from no withdrawal period with ceftiofur, 4-15 days with different …

Parasites the hidden cost

Parasites are one of the main causes of diarrhoea in calves and lambs, the responsible parasites being predominantly coccidia and cryptosporidia. Plant extracts have a general anti-inflammatory effect and can protect the overall health of the digestive tract in young ruminants. Coccidia are frequently found on cattle and sheep farms. Parasite’s damage epithelial cells in the gut, thereby disturbing the normal absorption of nutrients and seriously impair the retention of fluids. This has long-term negative effects on growth. Coccidiosis is caused …